Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who knew I still had a blog?

Call me crazy, but I think only the woman has to push during a pregnancy. I don't think the baby has to try to get out. It's not like doctors are yelling into a woman's vagina "Hey you, little guy, come out!" No, he's yelling "push!" That is directed towards the pregnant woman, I suppose.

Things that have happened since last blog post:
-fantasy sports
-1000's of essays graded
-carbon monoxide poisoning averted
-pour gasoline make it burn higher
-food goes in I get bigger
-Speedy thing goes in Speedy thing comes out
-Flat screen TVs
-Nasal Strips
-Champagne, bibles, custom clothes you own
-Stay up late get up early

I've never noticed that there is an area below for labels, but if you wanted to put a certain blog post into a certain catergory, you could do so. Their examples are weird. "Scooters, vacation, fall" Um...o.k. vacation and fall, but scooters? Are there people out there who write about scooters? Do more people write about these three things since they are suggested? I want to know these sorts of things.


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